There are posters available, which can be ordered via
In the website’s tab International Solidarity Campaign you will find information about the campaign and recent developements in english and german.
There are posters available, which can be ordered via
In the website’s tab International Solidarity Campaign you will find information about the campaign and recent developements in english and german.
— english version below —
— deutsche Version unter dem Text —
ΕΚΤΑΚΤΗ ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ της Συνέλευσης & της Κοινότητας Προσφυγικών Λ. Αλεξάνδρας
Τα Προσφυγικά Λ. Αλεξάνδρας αποτελούν ένα συγκρότημα 179 κατοικιών σε ένα χώρο 14 στρεμμάτων στο κέντρο της Αθήνας, ανάμεσα στη Γ.Α.Δ.Α., το εφετείο, το γήπεδο της Λεωφόρου και τα νοσοκομεία ΕΛΠΙΣ & Αγ. Σάββας και το μεγαλύτερο μέρος των οποίων είναι κατειλημμένο και κατοικείται. Continue reading
June 2017
Squats are already in the eye of reppression from the greek state. Although some have been evicted, others are opening, negating at the same time the statetement of minister of justice that all squats will be closed till the summer. In 8/6/17 almost 300 comrades have marched in the capital of Greece showing their solidarity. This march is also a message that we will stand and defend our squats… Continue reading
May 2017
Every Saturday and Sunday afternoon the children (and adults) of Prosfygika gather for play and collective self-education. This is a place for everyone’s growth, as kids, as well as their parents and other grown-ups in the community, find a space for play, education, and building connections and relationships with each other.
Squats are already in the eye of reppression from the greek state. Although some have been evicted, others are opening, negating at the same time the statetement of minister of justice that all squats will be closed till the summer. In 8/6/17 almost 300 comrades have marched in the capital of Greece showing their solidarity. This march is also a message that we will stand and defend our squats… Continue reading
April 2017
This weekend, members of the Prosfygika community travelled to Hamburg, Germany, to attend the 3rd conference on Challenging Capitalist Modernity. The conference is a bi/annual event that brings together communities and organizations from four continents to discuss and learn from each other on the topics of Democratic Modernity, Women’s Empowerment, Confederalism, and the ideology of the Apoist/Kurdish revolution taking place in Rojava as we speak. Continue reading
May 2017
In Prosfygika, we strongly believe in treating weeds like they are fascists, and fascists like they are weeds! They both have to go!!
To that end, we’ve started combining our antifascist presence in the neighborhood with weekly “guardening” sessions. Not only does this mean that we’re out and the neighborhood when Golden Dawn members (with heavy police protection) are passing by, but that we are using our time to improve the space that we live in and love. People who would only be comfortable in one space or the other also get the chance to interact in common work,meaning that the fiercest warriors are hanging out with the littlest kids! Continue reading
On 13/03/2017, the regime’s assault battalions stormed into two occupied areas, the Villa Zografos and a squat housing refugees and immigrants in Alkiveiadou Street. To law enforcement mechanisms and their political superiors, squatters are not separated. Both the social squats, such as Villa Zografos, and immigrant housing squats, as in Alkiveiadou Street and political squats are to be eradicated from the new urban environment. Continue reading
April 2017
The Assembly of Anarchists and Migrants Against the War in Syria staged an intervention in Syntagma Square to protest the escalation of violence in the Syrian Civil War. Protesters gave texts and played music to inform the public about large scale attacks in Syria by the Assad Regime and by US Forces. Continue reading
April 2017
Members of the Prosfygika community picked up the call of local antifascist collectives to join a demonstration against Golden Dawn and autonomous fascists in the Ambelokipi neighborhood on April 12. Over 100 people, including people from other neighborhoods who came in solidarity marched outside local fascist hangouts and headquarters. The fascists were nowhere to be seen, but locals greeted the march with enthusiasm. Continue reading