ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΣΥ.ΚΑ.ΠΡΟ. ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΛΤΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΗ ΚΑΙ ΤΟΝ ΑΓΩΝΑ ΥΠΕΡΑΣΠΙΣΗΣ ΤΩΝ ΠΡΟΣΦΥΓΙΚΩΝ ΣΤΙΣ 22/11/22 / About the repressive operation and the defense of Prosfygika, 22. November 2022

Είμαστε ακόμα εδώ… Η Κοινότητα παραμένει δυνατή κι ενωμένη… Τα Προσφυγικά θα νικήσουν!!!

Στις 22/11/2022, στις 5.45π.μ., κάθε είδους αστυνομικές δυνάμεις, ΜΑΤ, κρατική ασφάλεια, Δράση, ΟΠΚΕ και ΕΚΑΜ, εισέβαλαν στην κατειλημμένη γειτονιά των Προσφυγικών Λ. Αλεξάνδρας και πιο συγκεκριμένα στο 7ο μπλοκ, επί της οδού Tριχωνίδος (πίσω από το νοσοκομείο Ελπίς). Διέρηξαν την εξωτερική πόρτα του κτιρίου, σπάζοντάς την. Στην συνέχεια, ανέβηκαν στον δεύτερο όροφο όπου κατοικούν δύο σύντροφοι της κοινότητας, ο σύντροφος που συνελήφθει κι ένας ακόμη πρόσφυγας από το Ιράν. Απήγαγαν και τους δύο και προχώρησαν σε επισταμένη έρευνα του κτιρίου. Την ίδια στιγμή, ολόκληρη η γειτονιά περικυκλώθηκε από την καταστολή, όχι μόνο στο σημείο της έρευνας αλλά συνολικά, επιχειρώντας την κατοχή της.

Την επιχείρηση εντόπισε η καθημερινή πρωινή περιφρούρηση της κοινότητας που ξεκίνησε να ενημερώνει την γειτονιά. Σύντροφοι και συντρόφισσες/ια ανεβήκαμε στις ταράτσες για να ξυπνήσουμε και τους υπόλοιπους. Μη γνωρίζοντας τι ακριβώς συμβαίνει, αναγνωρίσαμε ότι η επιχείρηση περιορίζεται σ’ ένα συγκεκριμένο κτίριο, αλλά αντιληφθήκαμε επίσης το σοβαρό ενδεχόμενο γενικότερης επίθεσης. Απολογιστικά κρίνουμε ότι η εισβολή που πραγματοποιήθηκε ήταν προαποφασισμένη από το πρωί. Όλος ο χρόνος που πέρασε μέχρι την στιγμή της εισβολής ήταν αποτέλεσμα προετοιμασίας, κρίσης πάνω στα κόστη και στα κέρδη καθώς και μετρήματος της αποφασιστικότητάς μας, από τα στελέχη της ΓΑΔΑ και του υπουργείου.

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These events aim to collectivise the knowledge, experience and tools of the various revolutionary projects and to feed back our struggles through building and enriching collective memory. We call for an open dialogue to envision together ways of empowering and connecting our communities in a multilevel way, through structures that meet our daily needs, strengthen social solidarity and collectivize social reaction. Continue reading

Solidarity and info event for Prosfygika [Berlin]

Berlin. On 24th of April 2022 we will show a film about Prosfygika Squat, a discussion with guests from the project and delicious food for soli-donation from 1pm-5pm in the infoshop of Schererstraße 8 (13347 Berlin- Wedding). Of course there is great infomaterial and material for mobilization for Prosfygika, as well as our great zines.

Update on the riot police attack on the gathering at the GADA

On 16/03, we gathered outside GADA, after the arrest of our comrades in Victoria Square where the cops in an organized operation against refugees and migrants bullied and arrested those who tried to stop them. Among the 14 arrested is a comrade active in the Community of Squatted Prosfigika. The gathering of about fifty people was attacked by the cops with aggressive characteristics after our comrades refused to leave their position. They hit comrades with shields and globes, threw people down and kicked them.

As we were returning to our neighborhood after the gathering, cops blocked our way, forcing us to go elsewhere deliberately, knowing that we were from Prosfigika. Then they chased us to Trichonidos and entered our neighborhood. Our comrades defended our community by making it clear to the cops that the Prosfigika neighborhood will never be a breeding ground for bullying and threats. People who were already in the neighborhood opened the doors for the comrades, the corresponding positions were taken, while at the same time they were heard by their radios to retreat.

If we do not resist in all neighborhoods, our cities will become modern prisons! 

We stand with migrants, deportation to cops and Nazis!

Assembly of Squatted Prosfygika

Small-kidnaps from the cops in Prosfygika on 23/2

Small-kidnaps from the cops in Prosfygika on 23/2
In the morning of Wednesday 23/2 two comrades of the community were doing their daily patrol of Prosfygika’s neighborhood, around 5:45 a civil jeep cop car raided the neighborhood and directed towards the two comrades. From the inside of the jeep-car 4 uniformed of OPKE (Crime Prevention and Repression Teams-ΟΠΚΕ) and without a warning they pushed the comrades against the wall and started body searches and of course they did not find anything on them- something that the cops would really like to happen. Then the OPKE left. The comrades continued their patrol and after 15 minutes passed from the body search, two more cars raided and immediately 6 cowboys run onto the comrades and tied them with handcuffs. Afterwards they transported them to the Exarchia’s cop station. They put them in separated cells, controlled them again and questioned them about a stolen vehicle, they understood their stupid mistake and gave up. 
So after an hour in the cells of the cop station, they led free.
Obviously they think that with these unrelated small-kidnaps they will terrorise us, with territory power games. Cops you are fooled if you believe that with those operations a liberated ground will surrender, a ground which is founded by the sharp people of the occupied refugee community.
Assembly of the occupied Prosfygika (Sy.Ka.Pro)

Support our firefund call!

We address this call to collectives and individuals all around the
world – in the frame of the solidarity campaign to our project – to join with any means they are capable of
to our efforts!

Wir richten diesen Aufruf an Kollektive und Individuen auf der ganzen Welt – im Rahmen der Solidaritätskampagne für unser Projekt – sich mit allen Mitteln, die ihnen zur Verfügung stehen
an unseren Bemühungen zu beteiligen!

read the call in spanish, greek, french, italian, english, german, catalan and turkish here: https://www.firefund.net/prosfygika


Hello comrades,

We address this call to collectives and individuals from all around the world to join the combative defense of PROSFYGIKA against the imminent repression. The attempted evacuation of our neighborhood must be turned into a central event of resistance and a victory against political power and the gentrification of our neighborhoods in the metropolis.

Call in turkish.pdf
Call in espanol.pdf
Call in italiano.pdf
Call auf deutsch.pdf
Call in francaise.pdf
Call in catalan
Call in russian


The building complex of Prosfygika was built in 1933 for the refugees coming from Asia minor. Continue reading

Last news from greek territory struggles

Informations from the perspective of Sy.Ka.Pro

The new season started in low-tension conflictuality with the government despite the fact that during summer huge fires burned one-third of Greek forests. And this destruction clearly occured with the responsibility of the government.

In our squatted community of Prosfygika, on Alexandras Avenue, we run an intense campaign against the repression and gentrification of our neighborhood. We organized several info-events in squares for people to know that the state and the companies want to kick out hundreds of people from the communities houses.
On 5th October, we intervened to the leftist former-government radio station Kokkino and newspaper Avgi with the target to make them publish our statement. We specifically target this party because it is one of the main actor of the gentrification process, pushing the state mechanism to forward its plans.

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