Τürkiye’deki mücadele eden yoldaşlarımız için yaptığımız eylem ve bir kaç dayanışma sözü

Bugün Türk hükümeti, İstanbul Sözleşmesi hakkında hayati bir karar alıyor. İstanbul Sözleşmesi, bir ulus devlet olan Türkiye için daha adil ve belki de daha az şiddet içeren bir “adalet sistemi”ne doğru bir adım olabilirdi. Türkiye’deki adalet sistemi bu sözleşmenin imzalanması ve uygulanmasıyla, en azından kadınların kişisel ve bedensel bütünlük hakkı gibi temel insan haklarını asgari düzeyde korumak zorunda kalacaktı.
Türkiye’de her üç günde bir kadın, kadın olduğu için öldürülüyor. Ülke totaliter faşist bir rejime doğru devam ederken, kadınlara yönelik şiddet oranı da bununla doğru orantılı olarak artıyor. Faşizm ve kadına yönelik şiddet ve LGBTQI*, tarihte bağlantılıydı. Türkiye, İstanbul Sözleşmesi’nden çekilirken rejimse bize bir kez daha aşağılık ve faşist yüzünü gösteriyor.

Baskıcı ve kadın düşmanı yasalara ve bunları uygulayan ulus devletlere karşı yoldaşlarımızla yan yanayız. Türkiye’deki yoldaşlarımızın geçen bunca yıl boyunca verdikleri mücadeleyi takdir ediyoruz. Tüm dünyada yürütmek zorunda olduğumuz mücadelemizin bir parçası olan bu güçlü ve başarılı hareketi görmek bize güç veriyor.

Haklarımız için verilen mücadelenin devamı için sizlere en derin dayanışmamızı ve gücümüzü gönderiyoruz.
Fasizme karsi omuz omuza!

Istanbul sözlesmesinden vazgecmigoruz!
Kadinlari degil katilleri engelliyin!
Fight violence against women everywhere!
Kadın katliamlarına, nefret cinayetlerine, tacize, tecavüze karşı İstanbul sözleşmesini uygula!
Erkek egemen faşizme karşı yaşasın kadın dayanışması!
Lgbti+ fobiye, nefrete karşı İstanbul sözleşmesini uygula!
Kadın düşmanları gidecek sözleşme kalacak!
Haklarımızdan, hayatlarımızdan, İstanbul sözleşmesinden vazgeçmiyoruz!

Women structure of Sy.ka.Pro

Intervention & Words of Solidarity to our fighting comrades in Turkey

Today the Turkish government is deciding about the acceptance or rejection of the Convention of Istanbul. This convention could be a step towards a more fair and maybe a less violent “system of justice” in the nation state of Turkey. Through resigning the convention the justice system in Turkey would not be forced anymore to keep at least the minimum rights of women. Which are the basic human rights like the right to personal and physical integrity. In Turkey, every third day a women gets killed because she is a women. The rate of violence against women is rising through the continues development towards a totalitarian fascist regime. Fascism and violence against women and LGBTQI* had been mostly connected in history. If Turkey is not signing the Convention, the regime is once again showing us its inhume and fascistic face.
We are standing side by side with our comrades against repressive and misogynist laws and the nation states which implements them. We appreciate the fight of our comrades in Turkey for all this passed years and it gives us strength and force to see all this powerful and successful movement for our fight we have to enforce all over the world.
We send you our deepest solidarity and power for the continuity of the fight for our rights.
Faşizme karşi omuz omuza!

Istanbul sözleşmesinden vazgeçmiyoruz!
Kadinlari değil katilleri engelliyin!
Fight violence against women everywhere!
Kadın katliamlarına, nefret cinayetlerine, tacize, tecavüze karşı İstanbul sözleşmesini uygula!
Erkek egemen faşizme karşı yaşasın kadın dayanışması!
Lgbti+ fobiye, nefrete karşı İstanbul sözleşmesini uygula!
Kadın düşmanları gidecek sözleşme kalacak!
Haklarımızdan, hayatlarımızdan, İstanbul sözleşmesinden vazgeçmiyoruz!

Women structure of Sy.ka.Pro

Rigaer94 is alive – An address to our friends and comrades

Thanks to every support that was developed during the last weeks and especially the last two days of preparation and collective fight against our common enemies, we managed to develop the most intensive fighting days that we could have imagined. Days which turned every plan from the state and capital into a catastrophy. A great reminder to ourselves, our collective and its supporters, how important the movement’s networks, infrastructures of solidarity and self-organisation are.
Starting with the defence of the neighbourhood against the establishment of the red zone, we drew the right concequence out of the aggressions of the state and the real estate market, against the people living in the city. The announcement of dangerzones and red zones, where people get easy targets for the police in order to create an atmosphere of isolation and fear, has become normality in this city of the rich. We saw in the last years many occassions where we as those who are targeted by the states attacks had to stand in almost silent protest at the fences, guarded by a militarized police force. Let’s name the eviction of the Ohlauer School in Kreuzberg, the eviction of the Kiezladen Friedel54 and all the other projects as Syndikat, Meuterei and our neighboors Liebig34. This fact can not be tolerated anymore – the people have to rise up!
Therefore, as a result,for more than 48 hours, we managed all together, locally and decentrally to take the offensive into the streets and defend our structures and ideas through militant means and put pressure before the enemies had even started their repressive-operations. We decided not to wait for the lackeys of the state to create another zone where they can easily target autonomous structures and rebellious neighborhoods. That’s why an autonomous zone was build up around the Rigaer94 at an hour the cops did not expect. Streets got closed together with many people and a long-lasting defence of barricades happened, with the means of the autonomous movement . Until the deployment of heavy technical equipment as an eviction tank and two watercanons the police was not able to enter our street. Let’s understand these events as a proposal to the people in the metropolitan field and outside of it, to answer the upcoming attacks. Not only against Rigaer94, also against Köpi and all the other threatened projects and our ideas, as well as any attack of the state and its merely presence.
But the state and capital war is not over yet. They will not only attempt to attack Rigaer94 again but also attack and target every single structure and individual who fights against this suphocated society on a daily basis. We should continue getting organised and expand our networks of solidarity broader. We call for more intensive fighting not only around Nordkiez to reinforce the continuity of this rebellious neighborhood, but also decentrally, in every corner of the city.
Let’s continue fighting all together against the city of the rich. Until every initial plan from the state and capital are ashes!

Friends and comrades of Rigaer94
For more informations:https://rigaer94.squat.net/

Barricade on Alexandras Avenue – solidarity to Rigaer94

Since yesterday 16.6.21, morning, our comrades of Rigaer94 in Berlin are under attack and they are resisting against german police in order to protect their house and their struggle.
As Prosfygika being under a constant threat of state repression and exploitation we consider as our minimum political duty to stand in solidarity with our comrades who are fighting against the modern Freikorps.

– Solidarity to Rigaer94
– 10 100 1000s of Squats

Update & Info über die Community des besetzten Prosfigika an der Alexandra Avenue

Die Versammlung des besetzten Prosfigika wurde Anfang 2010 von Genoss*innen und Militanten, die in den besetzten Häusern in der Nachbarschaft des Prosfigika in der Alexandra Avenue lebten, mit der Perspektive gegründet, eine Gemeinschaft des Kampfes zu schaffen – sozusagen eine Kommune im Prozess – mit den Worten von damals. Diese Perspektive entstand in einer Periode der allgemeineren Entwicklung von Kämpfen und Bestrebungen, die nach dem Aufstand vom Dezember 2008 aufblühte. In dieser Periode war ein großer Teil der Jugend und der proletarischen/subproletarischen Basis, aber auch Einzelpersonen oder Kollektive, die in den Vierteln der Metropole und in den Städten der Peripherie agierten, mobilisiert worden. Continue reading

Alican Albayrak and Huseyin Şahin are released from prison after 6 month!

The two comrades which were imprisoned for helping two political refugees from Turkey are free by being acquitted in their first hearing on 10 May.

Solidarity with refugees is not a crime! Freedom for Alican Albayrak and Huseyin Şahin!

On November 17, 2020, political refugees named ALI CAN AYBAYRAK and HÜSEYİN SAHIN were detained and arrested on the Greek island of Lesbos, while helping two political refugees from Turkey who came to the island to seek asylum in Greece. Both of them are also political refugees in Greece.

The fascist Turkish state has forced thousands of dissidents to leave Turkey and emigrate to Europe and many countries around the world to live their lives as political refugees with their detention arrest attacks against all social segments that are opposed to it, especially socialists and Kurdish patriots. Continue reading

The Women Café

Prosfigika neighborhood hosts people from the entire spectrum of the oppressed and our biggest bet is to succeed in terms of self-organization into everyday needs and issues of survival, education, medical care and legal support, working at the same time a social and political charter that won’t promote a model of offer – take. It is at stake to move forward together and to conquer a collective consignment in the struggle for land and freedom. A struggle in which the entire interdisciplinarity of the movement’s fights opens. We are poor, refugees/immigrants, workers, unemployed, aged, mentally ill, we are women, and we are alone with children.

Women café is a new structure in the Prosfigika neighborhood, which was created through the needs of the community. In the beginning, we needed to create a reference point for every woman in Prosfigika to know, that she can find us at any time, if she wants to talk. At first, we were fewer, in our last assembly though we reached 22 active members. Triggered by the second incident of abuse that we had to deal within a short period of time from our creation, all the women in the café, regardless of our different starting points or language, expressed their authentic and original experiences and for one more time the political words took flesh and bones through the community. For that we are a café and not a team or a collectivity. Because we did not want to submit a feminist theory in the gathering of the community’s women. Something like that would have come from above, we would not be able to understand in the same way our multicultural Babel and in simple terms, it would be a useless tool. On the contrary, we started from nothing, from a café. From our collective gatherings around an aspect of oppression, and that seems to work. From simple to complex, from down to up, from the collectivization of experience inside a fighting field. One step at the time, but it includes us all.

Specifically, it is a structure that was built upon the need, voice to be given to all subjects as to express themselves, to feel comfortable and free. It is true, that inside the limits of the freed land of Prosfigika, women immigrants/refugees have silent needs of socialization, politicization, education that fade out in the stream of events. However, whatever we do brings us closer. In a gathering for the registration in the public health system, three girls came to the café for the first time. And they will come again. Action brings unity and through our deeds, we will find the theory that express us. Women café as a gathering and as a ritual, beyond the fact that it helped open up subjects that were in the shadow, it also works as a bridge between women and the central process of SY.KA.PRO. It is a channel of communication and a representation that makes the neighborhood even stronger. In order for it to function correctly, all its members need to be in correspondence. Naturally, we face some alienation problems inside our house, but we need to learn to care for one another. One of our basic elements of a fighting community is to overcome these problems because even if there was no state, people would still have to find solutions concerning food, shelter, health, education, organizing their defense. We can’t create the society of tomorrow if we do not built the communities of today.

Women of Prosfygika live under very difficult circumstances. We organize collectively, and we show solidarity to one another without the help of the state. Against the constitutional bodies to the state’s and capital’s enforcement we chose self- organization and resistance. We share experiences; we find solutions to every-day problems. Most of us are immigrants/refugees and have suffered economical exploitation, sexual and psychological oppression, inside a constant and unsure reality. We fight for the asylum, we fight to reunite with our families and we fight so that our children get to live. We are in danger of getting arrested, beaten, die because of a lack of access to the health care system. We are in danger not to be able to be the mothers of our children. Our under-aged children don’t have access to free health care and can’t go to school because vaccines are obligatory but also not given without AMKA. And still, you have to wait, afterwards to worry that you can’t achieve all of the above.

Women of Prosfygika come across a hostile environment of the Greek territory and don´t go to the gynecologist, don´t learn how to read… don’t, don’t
This text is a call for solidarity, economical or any other kind of help. A call that will help us do surgeries that we need, vaccine our children, be strong and give power to this beautiful society.

They asked 3000 euros from K. in order to operate on her in a private clinic for multiple fibromyomas. The public hospital won’t assume.
F. and M. will give birth really soon
A. and R. don’t have papers and need to go to a lawyer. One of them has 4 kids and the other a baby that has only had its first vaccines.
S. has been kicked out of her country for not wearing a hijab.
B. and D. are raising up their children on their own.

And the list goes on and on. We gather every Friday at 19:00 at our “house” and try to bring coffee…

Intimidation attempt against Prosfigika Squat

This morning, August 5, four unknown men broke into a house in the first block of Alexandras Av. They tried to give the impression of undercover police officers and threatened migrant residents that they would have to leave the house. If not, they will be evicted. Greek residents with regular contracts would be allowed to stay.
After some back and forth and the vain request to identify themselves, the intruders were pushed out of the house by the now alarmed neighbourhood and fled. A cop from the local Ambelokipi police station told the neighbourhood that this was not an official police action. The night before, a DIAS patrol had already harassed a migrant living here in the settlement.
Via open channels, an assembly was mobilised for the early evening at Prosfigika to discuss the incident today, who is not alone. There has been speculation in the press about an upcoming eviction, the city is trying to determine the ownership of the apartment blocks and recently workers tried to drill test holes for an underground car park.
Shortly before today’s meeting started, several DIAS and DELTA units provocatively drove up in front of the buildings to intimidate those present.