Solidarity with the Uprising in the USA

Shopping Mall entrances are guarded by the tan fatigued soldiers of the national guard. Once you enter you can’t leave, you must shop forever. Parks that one couldn’t have imagined a demonstration in are now the gathering point for a riot, the slogan that rings above the crowd is a call of “Abolish the police!”.

Even though one is facing down an army there is a clear sense of hope, as if this fucked up murder had finally wiped away the fog of ignorance, inaction, and fear. Suddenly one can talk to anyone in the street. The society which had ignored this problem, despite the cries of a people institutionalized, murdered, and kept in ghettos, has finally allowed itself a mirror. Continue reading

Discussion and Info-Event with comrades from Anarchaqueerfeminist Squat Liebig34

In the next weeks, the police will try to evict the squat Liebig 34 in Berlin. The collective is resisting and preparing themselves to make the eviction a huge disaster for the Berlin authorities. Also, other autonomous spaces in Berlin are under threat. We want to show some videos about the squats and the eviction of Mainzer Straße 1990 (a squatted neighborhood similar to Prosfigika that got evicted November ’90 after 3 days of riots). We want to share experiences and discuss about different ways of resisting and defending our spaces.

*There will be a bar for support to the community

*THURSDAY 30/07/20 21:00 Community of Squatted Prosfygika, Xiniados street